Arts Research Collective. 2018, 2020. Experimental art school.
Founded in Los Angeles and New York in 2017, Arts Research Collective (ARC) offered classes, workshops, and events throughout the United States and online. ARC had two iterations:
In summer 2018 it ran as a small, in person program in Los Angeles to support artists making research-based, non-market driven work. Summer 2018 was lead by Trista Mallory, Aliza Shvarts and myself, and included visits and presentations from artists, writers, scholars and curators.
In summer 2020, in response to the global pandemic, ARC evolved into a large, online program that operated as a collaboration with the Rational Dress Society. We offered two online courses that merged sewing, design and pattern making instruction with marxist, feminist and postcolonial theory, a course of study we called Radical Vocational Training. The program was largely run by Abigail Glaum-Lathbury, Cameron Crawford and myself, with assistance from Aliza Shvarts. We had over 300 participants in each class, who joined from all over the world.
Yvonne Buchanan
Junghun Lee
Ariel McCleese
Xander Rapparport
Andy Bennet
Maya O. Bush
Filip Kostic
David Prince
Kamaria Shepherd
Laura Solomon
Morgan Waltz
Asha Bukojemsky
Dan Bustillo
Patty Chang
Abigail Collins
Cameron Crawford
Andrea Fraser
Maya Gurantz
David Kelley
Jen Kennedy
Olga Koumoundouros
Liz Linden
Jennifer Moon
Rebecca Morse
Amir Nikravan
Alison O’Daniel
Pau S. Pescador
Jean Rasenberger
Kerry Tribe
Irene Tsatsos
Michael Webster
Shevaun Wright
Samira Yamin